Roland Zepeck


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University Education with Diploma on Technical & Process Chemistry


ENGINEERING - experiences:

Development of sample handling systems for continuous exhaust / emission analyzers (cars, power plants)

Development of automatic Gas and Dust Analyzers

Engineering of Air Quality and Continuous Emission Analysis Systems with miscellaneous Gas- and Dust-Analyzers

Conceptual development of a low-cost Video System for Combustion Visualization


SALES - experiences:

More than 40 years experience in sales of Investment Products with need of explanation

Setting-up and realization of European Sales Organizations for US-American and Taiwanese manufacturers incl. establishment of European Subsidiaries

Setting-up of International sales channels and Distributors, specifically in India, S-E Asia, Sub-Sahara Africa, incl. the establishment of Branch Offices and Subsidiaries

Development of Exhibition Concepts and Corporate Identity


MANAGEMENT - experiences:

Sales Management at the German Distributor of several US-American analyzer manufacturers incl. establishment of the Department for Systems Engineering

Successful domestic and International positioning of a manufacturer for combustion control and environmental monitoring

Establishment and Management of the Branch Office & Subsidiary India

Establishment and Management of the Subsidiary Italy


TRAINING - experiences:

Dale Carnegie Trainings (Communication, Sales, Presentation)

multiple Sales Trainings

multiple Presentation Trainings


Publications and Lectures:

Multiple Publications in leading Technical Journals on Environmental Monitoring, Combustion Technology / Combustion Optimization, and Flexibility of Thermal Power Plants

Lectures on International Conferences on Environmental Monitoring and Power Plant Technology


June 20th, 2022:

Tribute to Roland Zepeck for 50 years membership with VDI - Verein Deutscher Ingenieure (Association of German Engineers)